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About Us


Hello, this is Zak, Co-Founder of the original red cup kooler. This endeavor began with a bright idea by other Co-Founder Ryan. He was looking to keep drinks in his red cup much colder and was amazed to find there was no solution out there. That is when we envisioned a slim lining of neoprene to insulate plastic cups or quite simply, the original red cup kooler.

Soon after this revelation, I started mocking up some prototypes. Although not very familiar with a needle and thread, I managed to forge a few samples. The feel and fit was incredible and convinced both of us that the red cup kooler had to be made.

After much blood, sweat and tears…oh who are we kidding it was mostly just fun and many a late nights, but nevertheless the original red cup kooler was created. And now our real mission begins to bring it to those who deserve it most…you!

Treat yourself to the best fit and feel for your drinking pleasure. Keep your drink ice cold in the summer heat and your hands comfortably warm in the winter chill. More than that it is a great conversation starter, a way to support your team or promote your business. It is a brand new way to bring some fun to a traditional space. So next time you’re drinking out of red cups remember your red cup kooler. It even works on the blue ones!

